Trellis Briefing January

Below is information on opportunities around New York City for you, your family, and your neighbors to have a positive impact in our communities. Please email for more information.


1. Young Life GNY Summit

What: Young Life GNY Summit

Where: Redeemer Presbyterian Church, 150 W 83rd Street, New York, NY

When: Saturday, January 27 at 11:00 AM

What to expect: The "Forward. Together.” tells us that through unity we can move ahead. Join Young Life for a day of worship, testimonies, fellowship and and guest speakers, Jordan Rice, Michelle Higgins and Ken Tankersley.

Jordan Rice is lead pastor at Renaissance Church, where he provides vision for the church’s community and leads the staff as they pursue their mission of introducing people to Jesus Christ and to each other. Michelle Higgins is actively engaged in the #BlackLivesMatter movement through participation in civil disobedience, leadership development, logistics, and administrative support in both sacred and secular spaces. She is also the director of Faith for Justice, a Christian advocacy group. Ken Tankersley (Tank) is Senior Vice President of Global Innovation and Training at Young Life. Tank is as a gifted speaker and trainer as well as a visionary, leader and servant.

Expect to learn more about Young Life's local impact and how you can serve teens in the Greater New York City area.

Register here.

2. Understanding Trade-Offs” and “Understanding Environmental Review”

What: Gowanus Neighborhood Development Series

Where: Fifth Avenue Committee, 621 DeGraw Street, Brooklyn, NY

When: Tuesday, January 30 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM, and Tuesday, February 13 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM

What to expect: On January 30, The Gowanus Neighborhood Development Series presents “Understanding Trade-Offs”—a look at the threats and opportunities rezoning brings and how the community can negotiate to prioritize neighborhood needs and assess trade-offs. On February 13, they host “Understanding Environmental Review”—an opportunity to learn about the review process and the multiple forums provided for community input to shape the proposals themselves and address numerous quality of life concerns. Both evenings are hosted in collaboration with the Center for Urban Pedagogy, which is dedicated to explaining complex policies in simple ways. Food and refreshments will be served! And Spanish interpretation available.

RSVP to or to 718-237-2017, ext. 113

3. #GetOrganizedBK

What: Full-Group meeting of #GetOrganizedBK

Where: Greenwood Baptist Church, 461 6th Street, Brooklyn, NY

When: Tuesday, January 30 from 6:00 - 9:00 PM

What to expect: This is the first meeting of the year for #GetOrganizedBK. The political group will turn its attention to preparing for this year’s midterm elections, as well as issue advocacy (e.g. defending immigrants, standing up to hate crimes, fighting for health care & reproductive rights, combating climate change). The emphasis will be on getting voters to the polls.

RSVP here

4. Voice of the Children Workshops

What: Art & Activism Workshops for Young People’s spring semester workshops are open for enrollment

Where: To find more information on workshops and to register visit:

When: Now!

Cost: Sliding scale tuition available, drop-ins welcome.

What to expect: Voice of the Children promotes and facilitates activities that advocate young people's civil rights and autonomy. They believe that children should have significant decision-making power over all aspects of their own lives to improve their growth into competent and empathetic individuals who are agents of constructive change.

5. Don't Walk By 2018

What: Rescue Alliance Winter Outreach 2018

Where/When: Four Saturdays of February at four different Anchor Church locations:

Feb 3 - Downtown Outreach at NY Chinese Alliance Church, 160 Eldridge St, New York, NY

Feb 10 - Westside Outreach at Calvary Baptist Church, 123 W 57th St # 3, New York, NY

Feb 17 - Eastside Outreach at Fifth Ave Presbyterian Church, 7 W 55th St, New York, NY

Feb 24 - Uptown Outreach at Salvation Army Harlem Temple Corp, 540 Lenox Ave, New York, NY

What to expect: Join Rescue Alliance in putting Lord Jesus' words into practice by loving your neighbors through meaningful engagements, as well as by encouraging our congregations to care compassionately together. Partner with them to get the word out. They will be distributing marketing materials, such as posters, information and outreach cards, to local Church partners.

For more information please email:

Informed and Involved - December 2017

These emails provide opportunity for your organization to be more informed about the issues facing our city and involved in addressing them in partnership with others.

If you would like your organization or event to be promoted through these Trellis updates, please do contact us.  These emails beyond passing along information provide opportunity for building partnerships with other organizations working to serve, support and blessing their communities.

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Giving Thanks Together

As Thanksgiving approaches, Trellis wants to let you know about a number of ways to bless our city during the season of giving thanks.

A Community Thanksgiving Meal

Liberty City is inviting people to join them and the Farragut Community for their Thanksgiving Community Dinner, Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017 5:30 - 7:30pm

Farragut Community Center
228 York Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201

You can participate in one of two ways...

  • Volunteer with them to serve food, mingle and converse with residents, and assist with kids at the crafts table
  • Contribute with a donation of any of the following items to the Liberty City team by Sunday, November 19th
    • Ready Made Desserts (Cakes, Pies, and /or Cookies)
    • Beverages (Hot cocoa, Juices, Cider, or Coffee/Tea for Staff)

For more information, contact Darrell

Sponsor a Meal for Families around the City

The Reality

Nearly 3.1 million New Yorkers experience difficulty affording food for themselves and their families, an increase of 55% since 2003," according to the Food Bank of New York City. So many aren’t sure where their next meal will come from.

More than 399,000 children are experiencing food insecurity. The food insecurity rate among New York City’s children, 22.3%, was even higher, (Adults at 16.4%) with nearly one in four experiencing
food insecurity.

The Opportunity

A Box of Love® helps share God’s love and deliver urgently needed food to 4,700 families so they won’t go hungry on Thanksgiving. For every $41.40 you give, it provide a Box of Love® with an abundance of holiday food, more than enough to feed a family of six.

Thank your Elders

In the spirit of the season, Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly are inviting volunteers to give back and thank our elderly neighbors for what they have contributed to our community over decades. These holiday in-home visits are also a good way to listen to isolated elders in need
of companionship, to travel back in time, and to cheer them up with a gift bag filled with flowers and goodies.

Tuesday November 21st, 10am-Noon Little Brothers have their annual Thanksgiving outreach, making individual gift bags deliveries (with flowers, food items, personal care items, 1 gift item for caregivers) and holiday in-home visits to 50 isolated elders in central Brooklyn.

They are looking for an additional 18 holiday visitors and 6 drivers to make our annual Thanksgiving outreach a memorable one for our elderly

Contact Jerome for more details

Invite Someone in Need to an Incredible Meal

Recovery House of Worship puts on this yearly Thanksgiving meal as a way to provide an incredible holiday meal for those who might not have the means to provide or the family to enjoy it with.  Keep this in mind as you travel around this week and those who could be so blessed by this great feast.

Presented by RHOW Brooklyn.jpg

Help People Get a Meal in Crown Heights
