Teenage perspectives on Precinct Meetings
The goal of the Trellis Crew reporters continues to be to provide opportunities for teenagers of color to be in public meetings so they can hear the concerns and questions of the community and then be able to share their perspectives on what they are learning.
Criminal justice reform is one of the central goals of Trellis and policing is a part of this intricate puzzle. Part of our mission includes helping people on different sides of issues better hear from and understand each other with the hope of changing conversation and policy as issues of injustices are increasingly humanized through these interactions.
Recently we had two different crew members visit police precinct meetings, both having never attended before…
Again you can find out more about where and when your precinct meeting is happening HERE. Being at these meetings allows you to voice your own concerns, hear the concerns of others and allows you to be seen and known by the officers in your community.