Youth have the Right to Remain Silent
The Netflix series “When They See Us”—a drama based on the prosecution of five innocent teens for a crime they did not commit—demonstrates the many ways in which the law fails to protect the rights of children when police seek to interrogate them. It has now been over three decades since the five teenagers were wrongly prosecuted. Still, New York law continues to fail to protect children under the age of 18. California recently passed a law (SB 203) to protect children in police custody by requiring a consultation with an attorney before a child may waive Miranda rights or be interrogated. New York State should afford children similar procedural safeguards. This is why Trellis and our Trellis Crew supports S.2800/A.5891, which amends procedures required for the custodial interrogation of children and for taking juveniles into custody to provide additional protections.
Below you can read more the proposed legislation and how you can help advocate for this necessary legislation
Some of our crew have been a part of helping to craft this legislation as part of organizing meetings led by Bronx Connect, that included a viewing of the first episode of When They See Us and a talkback afterwards. These are some of the things that our crew learned and heard as part of this work
So why do things need to change?
Under current New York law:
Police are allowed to interrogate a child without a parent or guardian present.
Police can lie to a youth in order to induce that youth to waive their right to remain silent.
Police are not required to allow a child to meet and talk with their parent or guardian before the police read the child their Miranda rights.
Police are not required to explain to the child and the child’s parent or guardian what it is the police want to question the youth about.
Police do not tell the child, parent and/or guardian that the child can stop answering questions any time the child chooses.
Even if present, a parent or guardian may be unable to protect their child’s right to remain silent because they do not understand the right either, the stress of their child’s situation renders them unable to think clearly, or they have conflicting interests.
90% of youth waive their Miranda rights. Thirty years of research by psychologists, sociologists, and neurologists make it clear that even under controlled circumstances, children lack the capacity to fully appreciate the meaning and significance of the right to remain silent, and to appreciate the almost certain repercussions of waiving that right. Add to that the stress and tension inherent in a custodial interrogation, and the prospect of an intelligent and voluntary waiver of the right to remain silent becomes a myth.
Research also demonstrates that the young people most likely to come into contact with law enforcement are those with the most limited capacity to understand their rights. While false confessions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Miranda waivers, these are the same children who are most likely to say whatever they think will most immediately relieve them from the stress and pressure they are exposed to when being interrogated. The Exonerated Five highlighted in “When They See Us” were not an isolated case, but rather an example of what happens all too often. Empirical research also tells us that children are significantly more likely than adults to falsely confess to a crime, and that the presence of a parent or guardian does not result in fewer waivers of Miranda rights.
S.2800/A.5891 is not intended to demonize law enforcement. While abuses may occur on a case by case basis, the greatest risk comes from the limited capacity of young people to adequately appreciate what is at stake even when the police do everything right. On top of this, we know that the children most likely to come into contact with law enforcement and the juvenile legal system are African-American and Latinx children from over-surveilled schools and communities. The result is a disproportionate number of Black and Latinx children interrogated by police without an attorney to help them decide whether to waive Miranda rights while their more affluent peers are protected by hired attorneys. For Black and Latinx children from low income communities, the protections of Miranda are illusory.
The Proposed Legislation
S.2800/A.5891 would provide the needed protection. Current law provides that police may interrogate a child when it is necessary. This bill would clarify that interrogation of a child is necessary only when the life and safety of the subject child or another person is in danger. When police determine interrogation is necessary, this bill would require that a youth first consult with counsel before any questioning can take place. Consultation with counsel would be a non-waivable requirement that would exclude any statement taken in violation of the rule from being entered into evidence against the youth.
We call on the New York State Legislature to pass this critical piece of legislation to ensure that children’s Miranda rights are protected and minimize the risk of harm arising from false confessions.
How Can I Help?
You can help by sharing this post and by calling on our state officials to pass this important and necessary bill to protect the rights and safety and dignity of our young people
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As the NYS Legislature reconvenes, we are calling on Albany lawmakers to enact #Right2RemainSilent legislation to protect all young New Yorkers' Miranda Rights by providing an attorney before police interrogation. @NYGovCuomo
-Ever since the Exonerated Five were interrogated as youth and coerced into false confessions more than 30 years ago, New York State has failed to curb deceptive interrogation tactics used by the police. Enact #Right2RemainSilent. Cc: @AndreaSCousins
-New York law fails to protect children who can’t afford a lawyer during police interrogations, with over 90% waiving their right to remain silent. Albany must protect these children's rights by passing #Right2RemainSilent legislation. Cc: @CarlHeastie